Hearts that Care - Hands that Serve
The New Castle area churches are joining together to reach the needy children of our community.
A Backpack Food Program provides much needed nourishment on the weekends
when school lunch is not available.
Suggested Items for Breakfast
Individual fruit and yogurt cups (non-refrigerated)
Fruit grain bars
Pop Tarts
Individual (single serving) boxes of cereal
Suggested Items for Lunch and Dinner
Pop-top Ravioli
Pop-top Spaghetti O’s
Pop-top Vienna Sausages
Pop-top Beef-aroni
Pop-top Cans of Soup
Other Suggested Items
NOTE: All food items must be originally packaged as individual servings!
Beef Sticks
Peanut Butter
Rice Crispy Treats
Animal Crackers
Cheese Dip Snack Packs
Apple Sauce Cups
Cheese & Crackers
Jell-o Packs
Gold Fish Crackers
Granola Bars
Pudding Cups
Chewy Fruit Snacks
Little Debbies
Fruit Roll Ups
Peanut Butter Crackers